Oilfield Water Weekly

Surging E&P consolidation is sending shockwaves through the oilfield supply, service, and support network (including water management).
Two big deals taking out public E&P operators this week make it five significant E&P combinations announced since July.
It’s an interesting commentary on our industry see low- to no-premium deals consolidating the operator universe at the bottom of a steep downcycle. G&A reductions, operational scale, and lower overall spending are likely outcomes in future business cycles. Big changes…
What does a thinning of the herd in E&P mean for oilfield water? One school of thought is that E&P rollups will catalyze more divestitures of large water infrastructure systems to third-party water midstream firms. Reply with your thoughts and we’ll include them in the next newsletter (specify if you want to contribute anonymously)!
Now the news…

News Digest

E&P Consolidation Trend Kicking Into High Gear - Big Operator Rollups Left & Right Since July….

After a deal flow pause in the wake of the Covid- and OPEC price war-induced downturn in US tight oil, the structurally-driven E&P consolidation trend is heating up again. In fact,

Pioneer Natural Resources Announces Agreement to Acquire Parsley Energy

Operational savings are driven by the utilization of shared facilities, overlapping operations, scale efficiencies and benefits provided by Pioneer’s extensive water infrastructure.

ConocoPhillips to Acquire Concho Resources in All-Stock Transaction

ConocoPhillips and Concho Resources have announced that they entered into a definitive agreement to combine companies in an all-stock transaction.

Is An Exxon / EOG Tie Up Next? Is That Even Possible?

A rumor that's been around as far back as 2015 resurfaced this week after a rumor mill published the idea that Exxon could soon make a move on EOG...

Cut-price deals show shale’s rapid decline from debt-fueled boom

There is no more dramatic sign of the U.S. shale industry’s fall from grace than one of the best in the business being sold off for less than a third of its peak value.

Recycling Water, ESG Movement and Prolific Permian

On The Crude Life, Jason Jennaro, Breakwater Energy Partners gives an update on the largest produced water recycling facility in the Permian Basin.

Wyoming Oil and gas commission tweaks rules on oil and gas disposal wells

The Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission approved a regulatory change for underground disposal wells on Tuesday. Disposal wells are used by oil and gas operators to collect oil field waste, like produced water.

New Moneta proposal said to threaten "most valuable" water

A developer at the Moneta Divide gas- and oilfield wants to inject millions of gallons a day of polluted water into the Madison aquifer east of Riverton, a move watchdog groups say threatens the “most valuable” potable aquifer in the state.

North Dakota eyeing salt-tolerant cattails as part of the solution to its legacy brine pits

Department of Mineral Resources Director Lynn Helms told lawmakers on the Energy Development and Transportation Committee recently that he has identified a viable solution brine pits, a dubious legacy from the beginning years of oil and gas extraction in the state.

Oil’s three-speed recovery has turned industry upside down

The pandemic economy has turned that upside down, radically reshaping demand as different parts of the energy system recover at different speeds. Fear of the virus has persuaded millions of drivers to forgo mass transit and get in their cars. Meanwhile, international travel is a vestige of a year ago and thousands of airliners lie mothballed.

QF research explores energy generation using industrial wastewater

Scientists from Global Water Sustainability Centre (GWSC), Texas A&M University at Qatar (Tamuq) – a QF partner university – and University of Technology Sydney (UTS) have been working together to use produced water to generate 'blue energy'.

Colorado oil company wins pipeline ruling from bankruptcy court

The oil producer sought midstream leverage and may have won it.

North Dakota oil production swells as wells go back online

North Dakota’s oil output soared 14% in August as more wells shut down earlier in the spring because of the coronavirus crisis came back online.

The 4 major US tight oil basins October 2020 update

In this post, Enno Peters analyzes the latest developments in the major US tight oil basins, including the Permian, Williston, Eagle Ford and the DJ-Niobrara.

Overblown Permian Earthquake Headline

San Angelo Live reported news with the following headline "Earthquake Rattles Permian Basin Tuesday"...

Update on State of Texas NPDES Application to Issue Federal Discharge Permits for Oil and Gas Facilities

On October 12, 2020, Region 6 of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) received a delegation request from the State of Texas seeking authority to issue federal permits for discharges of produced water, hydrostatic test water and gas plant effluent from certain oil and gas activities into water in the state.

Video Released Regarding Pone Bluffs Project Which Uses Formerly Produced Water for Ag and Conservation

Video at link below...

Is U.S. Shale Finally Bouncing Back?

What can we expect through the rest of the year and on into 2021?

Oil Holds Its Breath As Presidential Election Approaches

Oil prices appear to be waiting for the presidential election before making any major moves, with prices falling due to rising Libyan oil production before climbing on positive news out of China

Reclamation designates $6.2 million for innovative water and power management solutions

The Bureau of Reclamation provided $2.2 million to support new internal research projects that will assist Reclamation water and power facility managers, as well as its customers and stakeholders better manage their facilities and operations.

Good News for Recyclers and Water Conservation Advocates

As part of an ongoing effort to encourage greater sustainability in the industry, New Mexico will require operators to disclose the amount and source of water use, opening greater opportunities for produced water businesses to provide water recycling and reuse solutions.

Environmental organization opposes Pattison Sand's request to ship water

The Iowa chapter of an environmental advocacy organization is voicing its opposition to a Clayton County company’s plan to pump millions of gallons of Iowa water to drought-affected western states.

Mixing Oil and Water

How USGS Oil and Gas Assessments Incorporate Water Estimates: The Eagle Ford Group Assessment


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Monday - May 5, 2025 | Pre-Conference

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2:00 pm

Tuesday - May 6, 2025 | Conference Day 1

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8:00 am
in the Exhibit Hall

Wednesday - May 8, 2025 | Conference Day 2

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10:00 am

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