Chris Wright

Chief Executive Officer & Chairman of the Board
Liberty Energy

Chris Wright serves as CEO and Chairman of Liberty Energy and has since its founding in 2011. Additionally, Chris co-founded and serves as Executive Chairman of Liberty Resources, a Bakken-focused E&P company and Liberty Midstream Solutions. He has had a lifelong passion for energy and its role in human life.

He has spoken on energy to the UK House of Lords, the States Attorneys General, Federal and State Judges, debated the merits of the shale revolution on TV and given over 100 talks.

Chris completed an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering at MIT and graduate work in Electrical Engineering at both UC Berkeley and MIT. Chris founded Pinnacle Technologies and from 1992 to 2006 served as CEO and Chairman. Pinnacle created the hydraulic fracture mapping industry by developing and commercializing tiltmeter and microseismic fracture mapping. Pinnacle’s innovations in fracturing practices helped launch commercial shale gas production in the late 1990’s.

Detailed Agenda

Monday - May 5, 2025 | Pre-Conference

Start TimeDescription
2:00 pm

Tuesday - May 6, 2025 | Conference Day 1

Start TimeDescription
8:00 am
in the Exhibit Hall

Wednesday - May 7, 2025 | Conference Day 2

Start TimeDescription
10:00 am