Oilfield Water Weekly

There are 9 weeks left until about 200 produced water executives meet again at the Houstonian for the 5th Annual Oilfield Water Industry Update.

Check out the agenda, announced yesterday: https://oilfieldwater.com/owupdate5/

Many great speakers already confirmed, with more being added on a daily basis.

Here is this week’s industry news & analysis…

News Digest

Permian Embraces Produced Water Recycling

Once a significant challenge for producers, Permian Basin wells’ high water cuts have revealed a silver lining. With proper treatment and the right completion fluid additives, the abundant supply of produced water can eliminate or reduce the need to fracture wells using fresh or brackish water. In a region where freshwater is scarce, that capability is invaluable.

Eagle Ford Earthquake Activity - M 2.0 Near San Antonio 08/23/23

Alamo City Quake: USGS confirmed the epicenter of a 2.0-magnitude earthquake.

Eagle Ford Earthquake Activity - Pearsall Pair 1 of 2 - 2.6 Mag 08/17/2023

Eagle Ford earthquakes uncommon relative to the Permian, but the town of Pearsall saw a pair in two days... here's a link to the USGS page on the most recent.

Eagle Ford Earthquake Activity - Pearsall Pair 2 of 2 - 2.1 Mag 08/16/2023

Eagle Ford earthquakes uncommon relative to the Permian, but the town of Pearsall saw a pair in two days... here's a link to the USGS page on the first.

Murrysville, PA, Approves Ordinance Allowing Injection Wells

At the regular Murrysville, PA (Westmoreland County) town council meeting on August 16, the council voted to adopt Ordinance No. 1075-23, an ordinance amending the town code to add a provision allowing wastewater injection wells in the town.

Oil Prices Climb As Hurricane Idalia Hurtles Towards The Gulf Coast

Oil prices continued to climb early on Wednesday, with WTI moving above $81.50 and Brent trading at $85.80.

Big Private Permian E&P Milestone

Endeavor's team of 1,200+ employees hits 400,000 gross operated barrels of oil equivalent per day.

An Agenda To Help You Prepare For 2024 In The Produced Water Business!

Glean insights from top analysts, E&Ps, and oilfield water c-suites this November. Insights you can put to work all throughout 2024 to enhance your business. Check it out here...

Chemstream Opens New Facility to Serve the Bakken

New facility opening.

Environmentalists (Or Bots?) Are Flooding The DSL Listing Comment Period With Copy/Paste Text

The public comment period on the proposed Dune Sagebrush Lizard listing as an endangered species closes this week. Someone (greenies?, bots?, foreign troll farms?) is blitzing the comment section with thousands of copy/paste submissions of the same pro-listing text...

NYT Sky Is Falling Article: America Is Using Up Its Groundwater Like There’s No Tomorrow

Overuse is draining and damaging aquifers nationwide, a New York Times data investigation claims.

5th Circuit Sides with Texas Against NRC Over Andrews County Facility Nuclear Waste Storage License

The court found that Congress did not confer to the NRC the ability to issue interim storage licenses for spent fuel away from reactors.

Continental Resources expanding Permian footprint

According to Doug Lawler, Continental’s chief executive officer, the company now has 200,000 net acres in the Permian Basin producing 55,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day. It’s a strong production base and he said Continental plans to grow production significantly over the next several years.


Opening for a manufacturing engineer...

WATER TALENT POOL: Keystone Hiring

Keystone Clearwater Solutions is immediately hiring for an Automation Technician in our Canonsburg, PA location. The Automation Technician assists with the rig-up, function-testing, troubleshooting, and rig- down of the Company’s field automation control systems on a routine basis.

WATER TALENT POOL: Marcellus Environmental Manager Opening

Triple H hiring in Marcellus for multiple positions...

EPA Revises Waters Rule to Align With High Court Wetlands Ruling

A new rule governing federally protected waters and wetlands was issued Tuesday by the EPA to align agency regulations with a US Supreme Court ruling that will allow unpermitted development in wetlands across the country.

Will There Be a Lithium Boom?

Recently, several companies have begun experimenting with a process known as direct lithium extraction (“DLE”), which promises to be both more efficient and cause fewer, if any, of the adverse effects on the soil and groundwater.

Pipeline leak causes produced water spill in Williams County

Henry Hill Oil Services LLC informed state agencies on Monday that a pipeline leak caused the spill of 10,000 barrels or 420,000 gallons of produced water, impacting some wetland area.

Vida Water prepares to launch an innovative subscription water treatment service with focus on underserved populations across Texas

Texas Water Trade is pleased to announce the commitment of funds to launch services of Vida Water, a Public Benefit Corporation that aims to close the clean water gap for underserved populations across Texas.

Energy industry rebounds from pandemic

“Data from the U.S. Census Bureau and Texas Workforce Commission show that direct employment in Texas’ oil and natural gas industry rose 8.1 percent year-over-year from 445,222 jobs in the first quarter of 2022 to 482,557 jobs in the first quarter of 2023,” Foreman reported. “Industry wages paid grew by 22 percent from $16 billion to $19.5 billion.”

New Mexico officials project record budget in 2024

Reoccurring revenues for the 2025 Fiscal year are estimated at $13.051 billion, however they are projecting $3.48 billion in “new money.” “Two thirds of the new money came from oil and gas so it’s just an unbelievable boom still in the Permian Basin,” said Republican State Sen. Pat Woods who represents District 7.


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Detailed Agenda

Monday - May 5, 2025 | Pre-Conference

Start TimeDescription
2:00 pm

Tuesday - May 6, 2025 | Conference Day 1

Start TimeDescription
8:00 am
in the Exhibit Hall

Wednesday - May 8, 2025 | Conference Day 2

Start TimeDescription
10:00 am