Oilfield Water Weekly

We welcome a new advertiser in this week’s edition, Energy Capital Solutions. They have several deals in water midstream they are marketing right now. Check out two PDF executive summaries of the packages they are marketing here at this link.

Here is this week’s industry news & analysis…

News Digest

Texas Pacific Water testing impact of produced water on vegetation

Far out in south Midland County lies a facility dedicated to advancing beneficial reuse of produced water.

EARTHQUAKE REACTION: Laura Capper's Thoughts

Be sure and check out the comments on this one - lively exchange.

EARTHQUAKE REACTION: Newsweek Article - Oil Companies May Have Triggered Texas' Latest Earthquake

A "notable earthquake" rattled Texas early Wednesday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported, and experts believe the quake could have been triggered by oil companies.

EARTHQUAKE REACTION: Texas Tribune Article Another large earthquake shows seismic activity continues to increase in West Texas, experts say

The 5.2 magnitude earthquake is tied for the fourth strongest in Texas history. It occurred in an area where oilfield companies have long been injecting wastewater from fracking underground.


This morning, TexNet reported a magnitude 5.3 earthquake in Reeves County, Texas, with an epicenter less than 2 miles from a 5.4 magnitude earthquake recorded in November 2022.


SWDs in the area may need to be shut-in for up to 24 months, per the Railroad Commission's seismic response plan (thanks to @EnergyTraderTX on X for the read), though will we need to wait for official word.

New Mexico Environment Department Seeks Comments on Proposed Produced Water Rules That Limit Nearly All Re-Use

On November 1, 2023, the New Mexico Environment Department’s Ground Water Quality Bureau (NMED-GWB) published its long-awaited proposed regulations for produced water reuse that is “unrelated to the exploration, drilling, and production, treatment, or refinement of oil or gas.” The New Mexico Produced Water Act, one of the first such Acts passed in the country, was passed in 2019. On November 1, 2023, new proposed rules will regulate reuse of produced water for purposes outside of oil and gas.

Let It Grow - Midstream Companies Revamp Their Strategies To Reflect Changing Times

Over the past four years, we’ve documented the strategic transformation of upstream oil and gas producers from growth at all costs to the fiscally conservative concentration on accumulating free cash flow to accelerate shareholder returns.

Oil or Water? Midland Says Disposal Wells Could Threaten Water Supply

As oil and gas companies struggle to dispose of their wastewater in the Permian Basin, the city of Midland is challenging applications for disposal wells near one of its drinking water sources.

Trailblazer Pipeline Company LLC One Step Closer to Transporting Carbon Dioxide Following FERC Order

On October 23, 2023, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued an order that will permit Trailblazer Pipeline Company LLC (Trailblazer) to convert its approximately 400-mile-long natural gas pipeline system to carbon dioxide (CO2) transportation. Trailblazer intends to use the pipeline, which originally entered service in the 1980s to bring natural gas from constrained Rocky Mountain supply basins in Wyoming across Colorado and into Nebraska, to transport CO2from ethanol plants and other emissions sources in Nebraska and Colorado to Wyoming for permanent sequestration in geologic formations (the Trailblazer Conversion Project).

Exxon aims to become a top lithium producer for electric vehicles with Arkansas drill operation

Exxon is deploying drilling techniques used in oil and gas extraction to access saltwater reservoirs rich in lithium that are 10,000 feet below ground. The lithium is separated from the saltwater and turned into battery-grade material onsite, according to the company.


Zac Hildenbrand writes: "These recalcitrant classes of compounds are everywhere and they are far more abundant in our daily lives than you might imagine."


"Continuing on with the #PFAS and #PFOA discussion, it appears that the tandem use of pretreatment (primarily oxidation/filtration) and desalination (thermal/membrane) is effective at removing PFAS/PFOA from produced water under highly variable conditions."


"More on the PFAS/PFOA front as I'm getting a lot of great questions asking what the best technologies are to treat these recalcitrant compounds. As you can see, raw produced water is incredibly rich with a variety of these anthropogenic molecules."

Prop 6 Reaction...

It’s official - Texans have spoken and Prop 6 has passed, advancing the creation of the Texas Water Fund. This unlocks $1 billion to help finance water supply development, conservation efforts, infrastructure repairs, and meet rural community needs. It's the largest voter-approved investment in Texas water since 2013.

Crystal Clearwater: Industry changes how it addresses produced water

MRT coverage...

New Mexico wants to go where TX is going. We need to characterize our brackish resources but we lack capacity to build capacity

The Texas Water Development Board's BRACS team recently wrapped up a brackish groundwater study for the Eastern portion of the Sparta Aquifer. The study included the characterization of the aquifer and estimated brackish groundwater volumes.


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Detailed Agenda

Monday - May 5, 2025 | Pre-Conference

Start TimeDescription
12:00 pm
Private meeting, separate registration required
1:00 pm
Private meeting, separate registration required
2:00 pm
In the Irving Convention Center Ballroom
5:00 pm
Private meeting, separate registration required
6:00 pm
Open to all conference registrants; drinks, snacks, entertainment; sponsorship available
6:30 pm
Invitation only, sponsored by
7:30 pm

Tuesday - May 6, 2025 | Conference Day 1

Start TimeDescription
7:30 am
8:15 am
  • Pete Cook, Oilfield Water Connection
  • Joseph Triepke, Oilfield Water Connection
8:30 am
  • Ryan Hassler, Rystad Energy
9:00 am
  • Tracee Bentley, Permian Strategic Partnership [Chair]
  • Ray Perryman, The Perryman Group
  • Karr Ingham, Texas Alliance of Energy Producers
  • Kirk Edwards P.E., Latigo Petroleum
9:45 am
  • Kelly Bennett, B3 Insight
10:15 am
break sponsor
10:45 am
  • Steven Runyan, Coterra Energy
  • John Cave, Expand Energy
11:30 am
  • Robert Ballantyne, RWI Enhanced Evaporation
11:35 am
  • Dane Broussard, CORE Linepipe [Chair]
  • Robert Crain, Texas Pacific Water Resources
  • Taylor Spalla, Kelly Hart & Hallman LLP
  • Chris Harich, XRI
12:15 pm
With time to visit exhibit hall; Sponsorship available
1:30 pm
  • Bentsen Falb, Raymond James [Chair]
  • Nick Patterson, Aris Water Solutions
  • Jon VandenBrand, Western Midstream
2:10 pm
  • Michael Bodino, Texas Capital Bank
2:15 pm
3 rotations (15-minute each) to join tables hosted by E&P representatives for candid dialog
  • Phillip Douget, Civitas Resources
  • Steven Runyan, Coterra Energy
  • Evaporators & Crystallizers (Paul Hart, Diversified)
  • Beneficial Reuse Public-Facing Strategy (Stuart Mussler, Chevron)
  • Water Reuse & Recycling (John Cave, Expand Energy)
  • ...more to be added soon...
3:00 pm
3:30 pm
  • Patrick Patton, B3 Insight [Chair]
  • Ted Wooten, Railroad Commission of Texas
4:10 pm
4:15 pm
  • Casey Lowary, Texas Capital Bank [Chair]
  • Cory Hall, AQT Water Management
  • Stan Berry, S&P Global Commodity Insights
5:00 pm
Sponsored by
6:30 pm
Evening free for client dinners

Wednesday - May 7, 2025 | Conference Day 2

Start TimeDescription
8:00 am
9:00 am
  • Pete Cook, Oilfield Water Connection
  • Joseph Triepke, Oilfield Water Connection
9:15 am
10:00 am
10:15 am
10:45 am
  • Rob Rice, Gravity
11:30 am
12:00 pm
Exhibitor breakdown; time for pickleball tournament preparation and transportation
1:00 pm
At Chicken N Pickle; open only to conference registrants who sign up during online registration - food, drink, and pro lesson provided along with a chance to play for the title belt and trophies sponsored by Spectator passes available; Paddles and balls sponsored by ; towels sponsored by ; and socks sponsored by
5:30 pm
Conference adjourns