Oilfield Water Weekly

If it weren’t for our big conference rescheduling announcement, we’d say it’s been a slow news week in oilfield water!

Our Oilfield Water Markets conference was postponed in 2020 after a very strong start for speaker, sponsor and attendee signups. 

We look forward to delivering an even better experience to attendees in 2021 than we could have last year this May 12-13. The event stays in the DFW area. 

Read all the details here. If you had signed on as a speaker or sponsor, our team will be checking in with you about the event very soon. Our early bird rate for registration is now available and you can check out details and signup here. We hope to see you there!

And now, the news…

News Digest

Oilfield Water Markets Conference Reopens For Registration With New Dates In May 2021

The first multi-day oilfield water markets conference, originally planned for 2020, has been rescheduled to May 12-13, 2021. Join hundreds of decision-makers at The Hyatt Regency Frisco for a unique opportunity to learn, share, and connect around the key marketplace themes that are reshaping the competitive landscape in the full-cycle oilfield water management business....

PE-Backed DHI Buys Blazer Water Transfer

Dalbo Holdings Inc, which is backed by Lincolnshire portfolio, has acquired Blazer Water Transfer, which operated in the Permian Basin.

NM “Produced Water” Explosion Leads to Proposed Legislation

New Mexico lawmakers will be asked to amend the state's 2019 Oil and Gas Act when the Legislature convenes Jan. 19. The proposed revision would prohibit the discharge of "produced water.”

Permian Operator Opens Up About Mobile Mini Sand Plant - What About Water If This Catches On?

This development has implications for fresh water requirements in field.

Big Drilling Momentum As 2021 Begins

The US land rig count powered through the holiday season and is up 38% (+95 rigs) since the start of the fourth quarter of 2020.

Rig count rises as oil crosses $50 milestone

The number of drilling rigs operating in the U.S. rose this week as crude prices crossed the $50 milestone.

Across The Pond... Shell Has A New Water Service Vendor

Water retailer Business Stream has secured a new water and waste water services contract in the UK with Shell.

Oil and gas market collapse plagued southeast New Mexico's economy in late 2020

An economic downturn struck southeast New Mexico in late 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic and business restrictions aimed at stemming the spread of the virus created a slump in fuel demand and reduction in fossil fuel development.

Lone Star Prize Finalists Include Oilfield Water Company

Texas Water Trade - a partnership between Antelope Water Management, The University of Texas at El Paso and Columbia University in the City of New York - has been selected as one of the five finalists for the $10 million Lone Star Prize, a challenge to improve the quality of life of Texans

EPA disputes ‘alternative approach’ that OK’d huge oilfield

In addition to pollution worries, critics say the Dec. 23 approval of the Converse County Oil and Gas Project by Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt will unjustifiably fragment wildlife habitat, doom greater sage grouse breeding leks and use more than twice the amount of water predicted.

WPX Settles NM Lawsuit Over Water

A Carlsbad family has settled with an energy company over a burst pipeline that rained contaminated “produced water” from hydraulic fracturing onto them and their property last year.

Tense Trucking Situation Persists As Getting Sand To Fracs Proves Difficult In Early-2021

Many industry contacts have described conversations this week where trucking outfits are telling clients “it doesn’t matter if you offer to pay me double, I simply can’t get more trucks right now” and we are hearing from multiple outfits that are turning away work...

Operators Are Laser-Focused On This Single Disruptive Frac Innovation As 2021 Begins

This one has implications for pre-frac water consumption folks!

Oil and Gas Industry Fights New Regulations in Ventura County

The county’s efforts to enact environmental safety measures are being met with fierce resistance.

Research proposals sought for reuse of oil field wastewater

An environmental and academic consortium is looking for projects to research the treatment and reuse of produced water – the salty mixture that surfaces from wells along with petroleum.


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Detailed Agenda

Monday - May 5, 2025 | Pre-Conference

Start TimeDescription
2:00 pm

Tuesday - May 6, 2025 | Conference Day 1

Start TimeDescription
8:00 am
in the Exhibit Hall

Wednesday - May 7, 2025 | Conference Day 2

Start TimeDescription
10:00 am