Oilfield Water Weekly

Raymond James research analysts sent a 50-page primer on the US oilfield water midstream sector to their clients on Monday. 

In some exciting news for readers of this newsletter, the Raymond James team generously granted us permission to share the summary note accompanying their big water deep dive. You can download that here

A member of the Raymond James team will be speaking at our next conference in May 2020. Also in very exciting conference news this week, we welcomed B3 Insight to the event as Platinum Sponsor.

You can read the joint press release here. B3 has a sterling reputation for thought leadership and actionable data in this sector – they will be a great partner in this important industry gathering. 

The Oilfield Water Markets 2020 Conference will be a trend-defining event you don’t want to miss. Unique fireside chat style discussions on the main stage are being tailored to the market intelligence needs of executives, business development and procurement specialists, analysts, and investors in the oilfield water sector. And there will be valuable networking opportunities, including a golf outing the day before the big trade show begins.

As the Raymond James team said in their piece, oilfield water is “in the midst of a paradigm shift” and one of “the fastest growing components of the energy space.” 

We hope you’ll make plans to attend, network, and hear the B3 experts, the Raymond James team, and other leaders in this sector share their perspectives May 26-28. Registration is open here with early-bird rates.

If you would like to receive the 50-page Raymond James primer directly from one of its authors, just reply to this email, and it will be our pleasure to make the connection for you.

And now for the top oilfield water industry headlines of the week…

News Digest

RAY JAY PDF DOWNLOAD: What Opportunities Exist In Oilfield Water And How Should This Emerging 'Midstream' Segment Be Valued?

The water business is in the midst of a paradigm shift as it transforms from an insourced E&P or oilfield service activity, to one that closely mirrors the traditional U.S. Midstream G&P section of the energy value-chain. However, many investors are unfamiliar with the space...

Oilfield Water Connection Announces First Platinum Sponsor For Oilfield Water Markets 2020 Conference

“We are pleased to be a Platinum Sponsor of the Oilfield Water Markets 2020 Conference,” commented Kelly Bennett, President of B3. “We believe our brand is synonymous with market expertise and water stewardship in the oilfield, and this sponsorship is a way of supporting our customers and like-minded stakeholders in that effort. We will be making additional exciting announcements in the coming weeks, both in conjunction with this event and otherwise. We’re looking forward to the conference.”

Rolling Stone Blasted By O&G Trade Group After Hit Piece On “Hot" Water In The Oilfield

A trade group issued a scathing rebuttal to the Rolling Stone feature story on NORM in oilfield brine water that we flagged in our newsletter last week...

BP Midstream Expansion In Delaware Basin

The first step is building up the company’s midstream infrastructure, expanding the midstream assets the company acquired from BHP, Burton said...

The Industry Is Rapidly Waking Up To The Requirements Of ESG

Respected OFS analyst turned I-Banker, Jim Wicklund, will chair a panel of ESG experts at our upcoming conference on May 27. Here's what he's saying about it right now...

Mark Patton Pens Op-ed On ESG

Mark says: "as an industry, it’s time we stand up and challenge the idea of not being environmentally friendly. Specifically, the Oilfield Water Management sector has a great environmental sustainability story to tell..."

WATER TALENT POOL: Eric Johnson And Michael Blankenship Move To Winston & Strawn, Focused On ESG

Eric Johnson and Michael Blankenship are well known in the water midstream world and their updated LinkedIn profiles describe a focus on assisting clients with ESG issues... and on that note, we are also excited to report that Eric will be a panelist on the ESG panel chaired by Jim Wicklund at our May conference...

Q&A With Arnie Little On The Water Midstream Industry: "If We Build It, They Will Come"

"The producers need a place to go with their water. Some have even gone as far as to invest in their own SWDs, facilities and pipelines, only to realize that this is not their core business and that they have millions of dollars in capital tied up that may have been better spent on drilling and completing wells...."

2.7 Mag Earthquake Reported In Pecos County

An earthquake was reported in Pecos County early Friday morning, according to the US Geological Survey...

WATER TALENT POOL: OWL Makes Another Big Executive Appointment - Jennifer Owen Reid To GC

After announcing the appointment of Price Moncrief to CFO in a move we highlighted last week, Oilfield Water Logistics has just named Jennifer Owen Reid as In-House Counsel...

WATER TALENT POOL: Baker Botts Adds Renowned Midstream Transactional Lawyer

"Gaye Lentz is a highly experienced oil & gas lawyer who adds additional strength to our market-leading oil & gas upstream and midstream capabilities," the firm said...

Layne Water Midstream and Texas General Land Office Announce Expansion of Long-Term Exclusive Water Agreement

The contract amendment will enable Layne Water Midstream to develop, construct and operate water infrastructure on GLO acreage that will gather, transport, treat, recycle and dispose of water produced from oil and gas operations in the region...

Texas Senate Hearing On Water & Fracing

The hearing was on: "Groundwater Regulatory Framework: Study the state’s groundwater regulatory framework and make recommendations to improve groundwater regulation, management, and permitting..."

SWD Progress For Permian Oilfield Partners

The company provided an update on "making hole on our Cyclone Federal SWD #1..."

EDF Piece On O&G Water & The Water Scarcity Challenge For Texas

Water scarcity is a challenge facing many Texas communities, and it’s encouraging to see how many state leaders are proactively exploring solutions to our growing water needs. This has brought the oil and gas industry and the massive volumes of water it uses and produces each year into the conversation....

New Oilfield Water Deal On The Table

"Who has the acquisition and operational capacity for and desire to transact on roughly 1200 leasehold mineral acres (undeveloped laydown, contiguous position surrounded by Diamondback) in NE Pecos County?"

1 Billion Gallons Of Produced Water A Day...

Matt Giblet writes: Did you know that the US onshore Oil and Gas industry makes 1 billion gallons of Produced Water every day....

Gradiant Energy Services Announces Entering into MOU with NESR for the MENA Region

Gradiant Energy Services announced a Memorandum of Understanding with National Energy Services Reunited Corp...

New Mexico Frac Ban Proposed

Senator Antoinette Sedillo Lopez of Albuquerque pre-filed a proposal for the legislative session, called Senate Bill 104, that asks several state agencies to re-evaluate the effects that fracking has on the environment and to forbid new permits for drilling until 2024. ..

New Mexico Frac Moratorium Would Devastate Economy

A proposal introduced for the second consecutive year in New Mexico because of erroneous environmental concerns would establish a four-year ban on new hydraulic fracturing permits and would imperil the state’s financial situation..

From Late-2019 Strength To Early-2020 Strength For Permian Permits

At the turn of the year, we wrote that 4Q19 Permian drilling permit demand, somewhat surprisingly, offered a positive signal for first half 2020 drilling activity in West Texas. Sure enough, the Permian has quickly and quietly added 10 rigs so far this year per the Baker Hughes rig count, prompting us to wonder about a...

Water District Joins Fight Against Natural Gas Pipeline

The latest salvo in the ongoing war between the company, landowners, environmental groups and governmental entities came Jan. 16, when the Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District (BSEACD) voted to join a lawsuit against Kinder Morgan...

Other Articles Jump On The Rolling Stone's "Hot" Water Bandwagon

A week after the Rolling Stone hit piece, this article was published titled: "The Hidden Danger Of Radioactive Oil And Gas Wastewater"

The Truth Has Not Changed for Misleading Fracking Filmmaker

Josh Fox has been accused of lying - again....

Famed WSJ O&G Reporter Is Now Covering Climate & Business

The Wall Street Journal senior reporter Russell Gold has switched beats and moved to cover climate and business as the Journal’s senior energy reporter...

New Research Adding Tools for Cleanup of Oil Sands Waste Water – CEC

Naphthenic acids are one of the main contaminants in water that has been used in the oil sands process. And Gamal El-Din is indeed still working on it...

Increased New Well Productivity Helped US Shale Growth In 2019

Rising productivity from new wells has driven U.S. shale production higher in recent years and higher in 2019, too, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said on Friday...

Rule of Capture is Back for Pennsylvania Oil and Gas Wells . . . Sort Of

On Wednesday, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned a lower court decision that appeared to make the “rule of capture” inapplicable to oil and gas wells subjected to hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking..."


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Detailed Agenda

Monday - May 5, 2025 | Pre-Conference

Start TimeDescription
2:00 pm

Tuesday - May 6, 2025 | Conference Day 1

Start TimeDescription
8:00 am
in the Exhibit Hall

Wednesday - May 7, 2025 | Conference Day 2

Start TimeDescription
10:00 am