Texas Railroad Commissioner Jim Wright To Deliver Keynote At Oilfield Water Markets Conference May 18th & TX RRC Added As Exhibitor

Jim Wright, Commissioner at the Texas Railroad Commission, will address the Oilfield Water Markets Conference on the morning of May 18 at the Fort Worth Convention Center.

Hundreds of oilfield water executives plan to gather May 16-18 at the Fort Worth Convention Center to discuss oilfield water management industry trends, market structure, and risks/opportunities at the 3rd Annual Oilfield Water Markets Conference organized by Oilfield Water Connection.

Today, Oilfield Water Connection is pleased to announce that the May 18th keynote speaker will be Jim Wright, Commissioner at the Texas Railroad Commission. Mr. Wright has been a leading figure in the Commission’s efforts to promote sustainable produced water management and has recently helped shape the agency’s efforts to curb seismicity by initiating Seismic Response Areas (SRAs) and disposal curtailment in various active zones in both the Delaware Basin and the Midland Basin. 

Conference attendees can look forward to an update on the Commission’s recent regulatory steps being taken on disposal limitations and the results they are seeing, plus updates on what they are working on next. 

So far, more than 40 sponsors are participating in the conference and the exhibit hall will be full including an exhibit from the TX RRC which will give industry attendees a chance to engage in in-person dialog with regulators.

50+ speakers will take the stage, featuring C-level executives that run large oilfield water businesses as well as leading industry analysts, bankers, E&P water category managers, and produced water finance experts. The organizers expect this event to set a new record high attendance with close to 400 attendees expected this year. The seniority of the group is second-to-none, with high ranking decision makers comprising the majority of the delegate list.

Registration is open on the event website where you may also find the latest agenda, the speaker lineup and sponsor recognition:  https://oilfieldwater.com/owmarkets3/. Don’t miss this important gathering of industry leaders.

About Oilfield Water Connection:

Oilfield Water Connection is the leading event platform devoted entirely to the marketplace, business, and finance aspects of the oilfield water management industry. We deliver a dedicated forum to senior managers, C-level leaders, and investors in E&P, water midstream, and oilfield / water services. The format, topics, and speakers at Oilfield Water Connection conferences are carefully selected to provide valuable information and opportunities for industry business people. For more information, please visit www.oilfieldwater.com/ or contact:

Pete Cook | 817.678.8795 | pete@oilfieldwater.com

Oilfield Water Markets Conference Details & Registration Page> 

Detailed Agenda

Monday - May 5, 2025 | Pre-Conference

Start TimeDescription
2:00 pm

Tuesday - May 6, 2025 | Conference Day 1

Start TimeDescription
8:00 am
in the Exhibit Hall

Wednesday - May 7, 2025 | Conference Day 2

Start TimeDescription
10:00 am