PIOGA & Marcellus Logistics Group Join The 2nd Marcellus Shale Water Conference Coming Up On August 9, 2023 In Pittsburgh
July 10, 2023 – Pittsburgh – Today, Oilfield Water Connection is pleased to welcome two highly respected Marcellus/Utica shale professional groups as supporting organizations of the 2nd Annual Marcellus Shale Water Business Update Conference in Pittsburgh on August 9th.
The organizations are the Pennsylvania Independent Oil & Gas Association (PIOGA) and the Marcellus Logistics Group. The involvement of these regional leaders strengthens networking opportunities for all attendees of the fast approaching conference.
PIOGA Is A Supporting Organization
PIOGA, the principal nonprofit trade association representing Pennsylvania’s E&Ps, marketers, service companies and related businesses, has joined the 2nd Annual Marcellus Shale Water Business Update Conference as a supporting organization.
This arrangement allows for cross-promotion between PIOGA and Oilfield Water Connection industry contacts, strengthening the opportunities the conference provides to the industry at large and PIOGA members in particular. During the conference, attendees will hear an update on PIOGA’s advocacy efforts that support the Appalachian natural gas industry.
“PIOGA’s service to the Appalachian natural gas industry is extremely valuable, and we are honored to be able to include such an outstanding trade association in this important produced water conference,” said Pete Cook and Joseph Triepke, managing partners at Oilfield Water Connection. Visit PIOGA’s website here to learn more about their mission.
Marcellus Logistics Group Is Co-Locating Next Member Meeting At The Conference
The Marcellus Logistics Group plans to host their next member meeting on site during the upcoming Marcellus Shale Water Business Update.
The Marcellus Logistics Group is a working group comprised of dozens of water management professionals from leading regional E&P operators. This E&P water managers council will meet privately on August 8th on site at the conference venue (Pittsburgh Westin) before joining the broader conference the following day.
Teaming up to co-locate this E&P water manager member private meeting with the broader conference, which is open to everyone that registers, enhances networking opportunities for ALL attendees by combining two prominent oilfield water events into one time and place. Marcellus Logistics Group members can participate in two events with one cost- and time-efficient trip, plus the partnership enhances the delegate list at the main event to include some of the biggest names in regional water management.
“Co-hosting our events with E&P water management councils has delivered great results for everyone at our events in other basins,” said Pete Cook and Joseph Triepke, managing partners at Oilfield Water Connection. “We are excited to partner with the Marcellus Logistics Group to co-locate our August events in Pittsburgh this year, delivering knowledge, networking, and cost synergies to Appalachian shale water management professionals.”
Join These Leaders By Registering Today!
At the conference on August 9 at the Pittsburgh Westin, attendees can look forward to hearing from PIOGA and Marcellus Logistics Group leaders, who will speak on various panels – speakers will include C-level executives, E&P representatives, regulators, and industry analysts.
Additionally, PIOGA and Marcellus Logistics Group members are eligible for special registration rates at the event. If you are a member of these groups, please contact your Group’s coordinators or the Oilfield Water Connection team for more details.
Sign up online to be there or sponsor / exhibit!